Every year there is a Southern Women's Show that comes to Charlotte NC, and I usually go with my Mom. It gives us a much needed afternoon to talk, catch up and just hang out together. I really enjoy this time with her.... well.... this year... my daughter wanted to go. They did have a craft area this year and turns out my daughter did actually enjoy this ALL DAY trip. (she is 6, I really didn't see it going as good as it actually did)
So as we are cruising the isles of goodies for women... we did a complete HALT in the middle of a busy thoroughfare, because....
there stood....
in cardboard form, was....

Yes... I know.. this could be considered Illegal. But who cares! He is just so dang cute! And I did let the kid get her picture with him also:

Gracie was a little more reserved with herself.
Good Times at the Southern Women's Show.
Haha...cool pics! :)