Monday, February 4, 2013

What I'm working on...St. Patrick's Day Onsie

Potential for an Epic Fail!
I'm usually very positive, BUT realistic.

I've been wanting to try making onsies out of t'shirts since before Little Miss Sunshine came along.  
I found a great tutorial from Feather's Flights.  You may remember the post:
That featured:
Cute Huh!!

I did start a t-shirt onsie, but ended up abandoning the effort.  
(lots of instructions, and 1 short attention span)


I was in the wonderful world of Walmart the other day and found this CUTE St. Patty's Day shirt:

Would this not make a CUTE onsie for Addison for St. Patty's Day!!! YEAH!
But, like I said before, this has Potential to become an Epic Fail!  I'm winging this one with no pattern.  
I'll keep you posted.

Happy Monday!

Talk to ya'll soon,

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